Actions in DC Adventures are all resolved through checks,
a roll of a 20-sided die, plus a modifier derived from a
character’s trait ranks. If the total of the check equals or
exceeds the Difficulty Class, the action is a success. If it
doesn’t, then it’s a failure.
So, for example, an unarmed attack check for Superboy
is his Fighting ability rank (4), plus his Close Combat: Unarmed
skill rank (5), for a total of 9, plus the result of a roll
of the die. The DC is the Parry of his target, plus 10 (19, in
the case of Knockout).
Checks often have degrees of success or failure: Just rolling
a success or failure counts as one degree. Every five full
points a check result is over or under the difficulty class
adds a degree. Fractions are ignored. So DC 10 check with
a result of 13 is one degree of success, just as a result of 8 is
one degree of failure. A result of 16 is two degrees of success
(6 over DC 10, ignoring the fraction) whereas a result
of 5 is two degrees of failure (5 under DC 10).
Resistance Checks
Avoiding an effect is a resistance check, with a Difficulty
Class of the effect’s rank plus 10 or 15 depending on the
effect. A successful resistance means you avoid the effect,
a failed check means you suffer some (or all) of the effect.
Circumstance Modifiers
Some circumstances make checks easier or harder, resulting
in a positive or negative modifier to the check. Characters
at an advantage are said to have a circumstance bonus
for the check, while those at a disadvantage have a circumstance
penalty. Apply a modifier of +2 if the character has
a bonus (+5 for a major bonus) and a modifier of -2 for a
penalty (-5 for a major penalty).
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