quarta-feira, 24 de julho de 2013

Regras 1 º Parte


Every trait in DC Adventures—abilities, skills, powers, and
so forth—has an associated rank, a value telling you how
strong (or weak) that trait is. Ranks run from –5 (very weak)
all the way up to 20 (incredibly strong) or more, with an
average of 0. Superboy’s Strength, for example, is rank
15, far above the greatest Strength of an ordinary human
(around rank 5). The Kid’s Intellect, on the other hand, is
rank 1; above average, but it doesn’t break the bank.

Difficulty Class

Every task—from making an attack to avoiding harm to
figuring out a gadget—has a Difficulty Class or DC, a number
that tells you how hard that task is to perform. DCs
range from 0 (automatic, so easy it’s not worth rolling) to
40 (nearly impossible):

Check Examples

Difficulty (DC)       Example (Traits Used)
Very easy (0)        Notice something in plain sight (Awareness + Perception)

Easy (5)                Climb a knotted rope (Strength+ Athletics)

Average (10)         Hear an approaching security guard (Awareness +Perception)

Tough (15)            Disarm an explosive (Intellect + Technology)

Challenging (20)     Swim against a powerful current (Strength + Athletics)

Formidable (25)     Climb a wet, slippery rock-face
                             (Strength + Athletics)

Heroic (30)             Overcome a sophisticated security system (Intellect + Technology)

Super-heroic (35)     Convince the guards even though you have no credentials, they should let you into the
                                  building (Presence + Deception)

Nigh-impossible (40)   Track a trained commando through the jungle on a moonless night after 12 days of
                                      rainfall (Awareness + Perception)

Fonte: http://mutantsandmasterminds.com/dc_adventures/2010/08/dc-adventures-quick-start.php

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